Refurbished Laptops

CMRC partners with the technology company Fully Managed located in Western Canada to reuse laptop computers that have been retired from businesses. These laptops are refurbished by Fully Managed and donated to CMRC who purchase and load current Microsoft products in either Spanish or English. Laptops are distributed free of charge.

Computer access is very limited in the high poverty areas CMRC operates in such as Cuba, Columbia, Guatemala, Peru and the Philippines. With these laptops we:

  • Provide videos and teachings for pastors. Many pastors are unable to access proper ministry training in their local areas. We load seminary courses in Spanish on the laptops for their offline use. They are also internet enabled if that option is available in the area. Some pastors have adapted the laptops for children’s and other ministry purposes.
  • Established a program for Girls in Poverty computer training in Iquitos, Peru. Girls are trained in current Microsoft product usage to enable them to secure paying jobs that help their families and their future.
  • Support seminaries in both Cuba and Guatemala where Spanish seminary level courses are both developed and used.
  • Give laptops to elementary schools in impoverished areas. Any surplus laptops are donated to local schools for their own training classes.

To learn more about this work, please contact us.

by the numbers

 > Over 80 laptops

 > to pastors

 > Elementary

 > Women in

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76 Chancton Crescent

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N6E 2Y4


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