December 2022 Newsletter

December 2022 Newsletter

How do Guatemalans celebrate Christmas?  There is no single answer to that complex question. Being a multicultural country, the vast majority of families look forward to Christmas in different ways. The most general description of the Christmas environment...
November 2022 Newsletter

November 2022 Newsletter

Joshua and Anna One of our partner couples in Cuba is Joshua and his wife Anna.  You may recall that a few years ago, they were supported pastors and then left Cuba to be missionaries in Haiti.  Out of the fire into the furnace! Joshua and Anna returned to...
October 2022 Newsletter

October 2022 Newsletter

Meet Karen Rojas Karen Rojas is the CMRC associate in Iquitos Peru. Iquitos is located in the Amazon Jungle and is isolated from the rest of the world and can only be reached by air and boat. As city of 471,993, which most are very poor, Iquitos suffered through waves...
September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

Story from Two sides At the beginning of July, I received a phone call from Martin who said that he was just getting over six weeks in the hospital and had almost died from Covid. He was returning to work as a nurse and wanted to take his wife and two daughters to...
July 2021 Newsletter

July 2021 Newsletter

Reflections It was a bright, sunny, July day in 2010 when Doug Springer called and asked me to pray about becoming a CMRC staff member. By that time, we had known each other for many years and I had assisted with a number of CMRC projects. Now after eighteen missions...

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