Rocksy Tamayo Curitima

Rocksy Tamayo Curitima

My name is Rocksy Tamayo Curitima, I was born in Isla Iquitos Community in iquitos, Peru. I finished my high school studies at Miguel Grau Seminar No. 60025 in my community. Currently I am studying Computing in Senati through a scholarship that I get thanks to the...
David Chavez & Duska Jovanoic – Urubamba-Peru

David Chavez & Duska Jovanoic – Urubamba-Peru

My husband David and I came to Peru in January 1998 after having received the call of God to go to this beautiful country with its beautiful people. Originally we lived in Germany, serving in our little church in Munich (at that time it still was a Latino group) and...
Rosario and Wilmer – Pisco, Peru

Rosario and Wilmer – Pisco, Peru

Rosario and Wilmer have 7 children – the youngest 4 years old. Their home was destroyed in the earthquake of August 2007. As earthquakes are common in Peru, they live wondering is it going to start again like the last big one?” Rosario grew up in the mountain region...

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