David & Duska – Urubamba, Peru

David & Duska – Urubamba, Peru

https://www.cmrc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/David-and-Duska-2.mp4 Watch the video – David and Duska from Misión America Church in Urubamba, Peru have a TV ministry. CMRC partnered with them several years ago to build a TV studio. When Covid began, they went...
Building Churches

Building Churches

Building Churches CMRC practices practical ministry by partnering with local churches in impoverished communities in Cuba and Peru to construct new church buildings.  CMRC provides funding for materials and paid skilled workers and the local church provides volunteer...
William Gogle Mendoza

William Gogle Mendoza

My name is William Gogle Mendoza. I was born on July 25, 1972. I am 41 years old and am the youngest of four brothers. I lived a very bad past. I had a very empty and disorganized life submerged in alcohol, drugs and other types of vices. Besides that I became a...
Pastor Toribio Coquinche Testimony

Pastor Toribio Coquinche Testimony

My father left my mother when I was 8 years old. We were eight kids. During this time, we received some food, clothes and other things from a couple – Eriberto and Norma Elliot.  (Eriberto is brother of Jim Elliot who die in Ecuador) When I was 16 years old...
Rocksy Tamayo Curitima

Rocksy Tamayo Curitima

My name is Rocksy Tamayo Curitima, I was born in Isla Iquitos Community in iquitos, Peru. I finished my high school studies at Miguel Grau Seminar No. 60025 in my community. Currently I am studying Computing in Senati through a scholarship that I get thanks to the...
Joshua and Ana – Florida, Cuba

Joshua and Ana – Florida, Cuba

My name is Josué Seide Haiti (Joshua). I was born in a Christian home in 1971. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. My father came from Haiti in 1951 and my mother is a Haitian descendant who was born in Cuba. My father’s friends from Haiti would go visit with us very...

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