
It is CMRC’s priority to personally collaborate with Cuban pastors and church workers to help plant house churches and supply theological resources and practical gifts of help such as food and computers.

How it Began

Hardship has become the norm for most who live on the island of Cuba. With a restrictive government, the country has experienced massive layoffs and countless citizens are going hungry without the money to buy the necessities of life. To support the churches being impacted, CMRC supports 23 pastors, 2 jail chaplains and children’s workers and their families, mainly in the central region of Cuba. Your donation of $35 – $120 / month will support a pastor and his family.

Christian Missions Resource Centre has developed a Spanish library of hundreds of videos, audio teachings and movies. These were created to help mobilize the church across the nations in equipping local individuals to share the gospel. Recently, laptop computers were provided to pastors in Cuba and have become incredibly useful as internet becomes more widely available.


Thank you to the following ministries: Living Truth, In Touch Canada, Focus on the Family, Alpha, CBA, Faithville, Promise Keepers Canada, and Tender Loving Care ministries for graciously contributing to resources for training church leaders. As well, Fully Managed, a Western Canada IT company who generously donated so that each of our pastors would be provided a laptop.

how you can work with cuba

The pastors and children’s workers you support through your prayers and finances are incredible people. It is humbling to think that God has given us the privilege of serving them. Thank you for helping to build up the Kingdom of God in Cuba.

Hear their stories

Carlos Castillo and Kirenia

“We thank God for this awesome and lovely ministry (CMRC) that He gives to bless us.
My God bless you so much because my family has been blessed and we are very pleased/happy for this help that is covering many needs that we have during this time.

We are so happy for the computer (CMRC used laptop program) because it is very important for the ministry and as you know, in our own force, we can not to be able to buy this because it is very expensive. God has been good, because He chooses you to help us and support us with financial resources and it has been a big blessing to my family.

Part of this financial support we are saving because we want to celebrate the sweet 15th to my daughter. May God bless Douglas, your family and the ministry in where you are actually serving the Lord. We pray for you that God continues His blessing for you, and we remember that God blesses and loves a cheerful giver.”

 Joshua and Ana – Florida, Cuba

My name is Josué Seide Haiti (Joshua). I was born in a Christian home in 1971. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters.

My father came from Haiti in 1951and my mother is a Haitian descendant who was born in Cuba. My father’s friends from Haiti would go visit with us very often and I got to understand French Creole language before starting primary school.

One day the school principal got into my classroom to find out who was going to church. I was the only one attending church in my class then she told me to bring my mother to school the next day. So I went to school with my mother and she was told that she had to choose between church and the school for me. She was threatened, and she stopped taking me to church because if she would do the opposite, they would keep me out of school. Consequently, I would not have been able to learn how to read and write.

Then I grew up away from the church, but at home my parents would keep Bible principles as part of our home education. I did not have a personal relationship with God but I knew He was there. I simply did not fear or recognize Him. I lost my father when I was 10 years old. But I always wanted to meet my father’s branch of the family living in Haiti. God as made that possible for me.

In1989 I went to the College of Education in Camaguey city to study English in order to be a teacher. I took my English degree with honors in 1994. Ana got her Diploma on Biology at the same College. I also got my Diploma on French in 1996.

I was curiously wondering about my name, why my name was Joshua. I knew Joshua was one Bible book so I began to read it from my mother’s Bible. I remember I told her about it and she was glad, but did not make a big issue of it, at least in my presence. My mother was praying for all her children. I also had a Christian man who would tell me about Jesus but, I was spiritually blind and deaf for a while.

My girlfriend Ana Elia Andreu Abril (Ana) later came to Christ and became my wife lived in a different town. She has 3 sisters and two brothers. She was raised in a loving home but, sadly her parents divorced when she was about to get to the University.

One day I was visiting with her and met some Christians who were her friends. Then they invited me to church and I received Jesus as my Savior and Lord. My life has changed a lot since then. In March 1996, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then I was baptized in water and became a member of Assemblies of God church in Florida, Camaguey.

I married Ana in 1997 while I was the students’ leader in the local church of Florida. Then I was chosen to be the youth leader for 8 years. I was chosen to serve as a deacon as well. So I was a husband, the youth leader, a deacon, a school teacher, a Bible school student, a cell group leader and an interpreter. I was also building my own house by that time. Only God sustained me!

In 2003, I stopped working as a school teacher because I wanted to get more involved in His Kingdom. So I became the administrative pastor for 8 years and the church secretary at the same time.

Four years ago, God took me to an area in my town to pray for a lady. She came to the Lord with one of her neighbors. I went there again and started a cell group which turned into a house church then a mission (satellite church) and hopefully this year it will become one more Pentecostal Assemblies of God church in Florida. We are about to get a property where we will meet as a church. God has been good to us.

My wife Ana and I do not have family yet. We are both serving this beautiful congregation of more than 40 people (children, teenagers, youth and older people most of them are ladies). As a congregation we have some musicians, singers, intercessors but, on top of this, we love Jesus. Ana does most of the praise and worship. She also teaches the Bible and preaches from time to time. Ana is a wonderful Biology school teacher who did her Master’s in Natural Sciences in 2011. She has a Bachelor in Theology as well.

Today, we serve as missionary pastors in Florida, Camaguey. I also serve as an interpreter sometimes. I am the Assemblies of God Pentecostal University representative in the province of Camaguey and a student with Global University from Springfield, Missouri.

The Lord has kept us so far and we believe there is more to come for His glory and honor. We are grateful for the help and support we received from CMRC and many other Canadian hands you have helped a lot in making the difference as we work for His Kingdom. May the Lord multiply it to you many times. God bless you all. Thank you very much as well for the great honor to partnership with you.

January 2025 Newsletter

January 2025 Newsletter

Cuba Update October 14 to the 23, I travelled to Cuba and, as many of you remember, there were major blackouts there at the time that...

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