Welcome to CMRC
Note: Canadian Tax receipts for 2024 were mailed out on February 14th, 2025.
The receipts for January and February 2025 will be mailed out early March 2025.
Welcome to CMRC
With practical and spiritual gifts of help, CMRC assists pastors and ministries serving in communities of poverty to fulfill their passion to reach people for Christ
Working with local organizations in Canada and missional agencies overseas, we help churches become strong through developing an outward attitude to serve others. We provide valuable resources to better equip churches across the globe to share the Good News and to provide for those who are unable to afford necessities. Presently we work in Peru, Guatemala, Cuba, Colombia, and the Philippines and are working to expand our reach.
Our Mission is to serve as a catalyst to help leaders mobilize Canadians and the local church overseas toward a more effective, personal involvement, in helping the world’s needy both spiritually and in practical gifts of helps.
CMRC prioritizes providing resources to help equip national church pastors and local leaders to minister. Through educational programs, donations for necessities, and pastoral assets, our global church is better able to help those in their community.
our philosophy
“If God puts something in front of you, try it!”
Have you ever heard the saying, “God opens doors!”
At CMRC we see the doors that the Lord places in front of us instead as a symbol of opportunity. We believe that God does not necessarily open the doors for us, but instead He unlocks the ones we are meant to go through. In the world of missions, you are often called to blindly follow the call of the Lord. This means not always seeing what is on the other side. Our philosophy is based around the idea that even if a door is closed, it may be unlocked, so try it!
Learn about the Journey
Karen Elizabeth Rojas Torres
“As a teenager, I attended camp in Colinas de Sion, a place about 4 hours from the city. I spent an awesome week meeting many people, making many friends, and of course learning about Jesus. I remember I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the camp and I decided to continue in His ways fulfilling the purpose that He has for my life. A year later, my father passed away and the time after his death was difficult for us (my mother, my sister and I) however, at every step and every day we could see the benevolence and mercy of God towards us because we never lacked food and we have made an effort to continue the path of faith.”
Helping People Around the World
“We are so happy to have been a part of CMRC used laptop program. It is very important for the ministry and as you know, in our own strength, we are not able to afford this expensive piece of equipment. God has been good, because He chooses you to help us and support us with financial resources and it has been a big blessing to my family.”
– Carlos Castillo and Kirenia: Pastor in Cuba
Recent Stories
A glimpse into the lives of Christian’s around the globe serving the Lord with all their strength.
December 2024 Newsletter
December is a busy month for Christians. We go to events at church to celebrate the birth of our saviour, and we visit and host family and friends in our homes. In Canada, the weather turns cold and most of our events are indoors. Gifts are...
November 2024 Newsletter
Crisis in Cuba: A Glimpse into Life During the Blackouts On October 18th, around 11:00 AM, I experienced a significant blackout in my Airbnb in Havana, Cuba. While power outages are common in many parts of the island, this one marked a nationwide...
October 2024 Newsletter
Guatemala Trip I am excited to announce how God is allowing us to move ahead with the upgrading of the video and audio studio at the Guatemala Bible Seminary (GBS). In the past 23 years, CMRC has partnered with GBS and with our associate,...
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76 Chancton Crescent
London, Ontario
N6E 2Y4
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