Crisis in Christian Leadership Training
CMRC Guatemala Studio Renovation Project
In the heart of Latin America, a growing number of dedicated pastors are tirelessly shepherding their congregations despite facing significant barriers. Many of these pastors lack access to seminary-level training due to financial constraints or because of their remote locations. The gap in education limits their ability to effectively lead and nurture their communities in faith. CMRC, in partnership with Guatemala Bible Seminary, produces and distributes free of charge many seminary-level courses.
Here is an interview with Sergio Vicente, M.Div., a professor of Bible at Guatemala Bible Seminary. When asked why he wanted to work alongside CMRC and produce a course on Ecclesiastical Leadership, he said:
“The Lord has placed gifts and abilities in me. For this reason and with motivation, the contributions I can make help to glorify His name and expand His kingdom. I am aware of the need for workers to be prepared for the development of their Christian ministries. The apostle Paul exhorted Timothy, saying: ‘You therefore my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust this to faithful men who will be able to teach others also’ (2 Tim 2:1-2). It is with great pleasure, since Christ has done everything for me, to contribute to His mission and the expansion of His kingdom through education with the capabilities that He has put in my hands.
“We thank you for your support in praying, sharing, and giving to keep going forward to create, prepare, and develop audiovisual resources for the people who don’t have the opportunity to access them in the same way that maybe you and I have.”

Over the past 23 years, CMRC and GBS have produced many video series for evangelism. This has evolved from video to digital format. The current 52 video seminars covering nine seminary-level courses educate pastors and church leaders on ministry, counseling, eschatology, theology, leadership, and others. Courses have been distributed directly to Cuba, Peru, Guatemala, and Columbia. Thousand of pastors have been served.
The current studio is 23 years old and is in desperate need of updating to today’s digital requirements. Join us in empowering the next generation of Christian leaders.

We are excited to announce a special opportunity to double the impact of your generosity towards the Guatemala Studio Project.
Thanks to a generous donor, every dollar you give will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000.00.
Donate today: Send a cheque, send an e-transfer, or make a donation through Canada Helps choosing the Guatemala studio project. Please note on the cheque or e-transfer “Guatemala Studio”.
Get matched: All donations received by September 30, 2024, will be matched.

Doug Springer
Executive Director