News from Cuba
Beloved brothers, I wish you prosperity in everything. May you be healthy, just as your soul prospers.
I want to show gratitude on behalf of myself and my family for the financial help from CMRC and brother Douglas, as well as all the believers who collaborate to send it to us monthly. Your financial support allows us to lead a more bearable life during these difficult times.
I take this opportunity to testify that the work with the church continues to reach those who still do not have the Lord as their savior. We are doing solid work with leadership and children.
We always pray and thank God because of you, your families, and this ministry.
Please pray for us and receive our greetings.
Pastor Geobani Proenza Sánchez

I pray that the Peace and Mercy of God would be upon your life every day.
I want to express my gratitude for the financial support that we have been receiving every month through you and with the help of our brother Ignacio, and express our gratitude, especially to our brother Douglas and all the Christians in Canada who have been giving with so much love for so long for our support. This has been an essential support to be able to keep up with the work. We pray for you all, that God will bless you and keep you always.
In our Church, due to transportation, crime, and the distance to where the believers live, we prefer not to do our activities at night. For our Prayer time, we open every day at 9 a.m. Study times are Fridays at 5 p.m. In these studies, we are teaching about personal evangelism.
We reiterate our deep gratitude to all those supporters in Canada. And we say goodbye with a hug in the love of Christ Jesus our Lord.
Your servants,
Pastor Joaquín Domínguez Álvarez and Wife

Prayer Requests
- Prayer is appreciated for Doug and Marni Springer as they go to Cartegena Colombia for one month on February 14th. Doug will be attending language school for one month while Marni will be looking to find people to teach English as a Foreign Language. They also are planning on traveling to Bogota to minister to our Indigenous contacts and meet with a pastor to make plans for the future. Pray for safety and wisdom.
- Pray for Cesar at Guatemala Bible seminary as he is in the early months of his new position as Communication Department Director.
- Pray for our supported pastors in Cuba living in these exciting times, as many new people are coming to churches as they struggle with the economy.
- Prayer for Karen as she disciples the girls in our education program in Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon.