How To Serve

Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Short-term Missions

CMRC will regularly bring together a team of people to participate in short-term mission trips while working on global projects. From building churches, to children’s ministry, the activities of the trip can vary from location to location, with each trip. At CMRC we believe that when the local congregation identifies their greatest need, we can work together with them to meet that need. If your church or youth group desires to participate in a missions trip, CMRC can help make that happen!

Why would I do a short-term mission project? Isn’t it better to give the money to the cause? 

These were my questions many years ago, but after my first trip I believe that everyone should do one.

I want God to use me but I don’t have any professional or special skills (I can’t even paint well) to add to a mission team. There is always a job for me to do. Working on a project for two weeks with people you may have just met is a great way to make new friends and have fun. Not only do we pray together each morning, but we also laugh a lot throughout the day.

I want to support our missionaries and national people. I can pray more effectively for them when I know firsthand their needs. There are always many God moments, seeing Him at work in unexpected ways. Because of the passion that my husband and I have for short -term missions, two of my siblings are now involved in overseas work.

Should you give money instead of going on a mission’s project? No, everyone needs to do a trip and then you will want to give more, pray more and live more for God’s glory!”

-Patricia Stanlake, a regular team member









Help by Giving

When we donate our resources, we can help to spark change where we are unable to do so with our own hands. Donating to CMRC is simple and serves as a catalyst to help leaders mobilize the local church to be more effective and involved in helping the world’s needy both spiritually and practically.

How Your Donation Helps in Cuba

Pastors Salaries ($35 - $120 /month)

Help support a pastor like Carlos Castillo or Reiniel Boivin and provide the necessary resources so that they may further missional activities and accomplish the work of sharing the gospel. CMRC and its partners help support pastors like these and their families from this island nation of over 11 million people. Your donation will have no administrative fees taken and 100% will go right to working Cuban pastors, church workers, and house churches in Cuba.


Pastors Salaries ($35/month)

Help support a pastor like Carlos Castillo or Reiniel Boivin and provide the necessary resources so that they may further missional activities and accomplish the work of sharing the gospel. CMRC and its partners help support pastors like these and their families from this island nation of over 11 million people. Your donation will have no administrative fees taken and 100% will go right to working Cuban pastors, church workers, and house churches in Cuba.

Gloria Digital Orchestra ($500/each)

Worship is an essential part of Christian lifestyle. Singing songs of praise is important to proclaim God’s word and lay our struggles at his feet. Many Cubans do not have access to materials of music or hymns. The Gloria Digital Orchestra 4 can play over 650 hymns and choruses with 80 different instruments. It is accompanied by a Spanish hymn book which can also be used in other languages. Your donation will partner with us in providing the Gloria Digital Orchestra to churches in Cuba.


Gloria Digital Orchestra ($500/each)

Worship is an essential part of Christian lifestyle. Singing songs of praise is important to proclaim God’s word and lay our struggles at his feet. Many Cubans do not have access to materials of music or hymns. The Gloria Digital Orchestra 4 can play over 650 hymns and choruses with 80 different instruments. It is accompanied by a Spanish hymn book which can also be used in other languages. Your donation will partner with us in providing the Gloria Digital Orchestra to churches in Cuba.

solar audio Bibles ($35/each)

The scriptures are important as they share the life and teachings of Jesus. The Bible allows for greater spiritual connection and reliance on the faithfulness of the Lord. This compact solar powered audio player contains the full Spanish Bible along with hundreds of hours of teachings and children’s programs. This small device can make a huge impact in the lives of Latinos, especially in the remote Peruvian jungle.


solar audio Bibles ($35/each)

The scriptures are important as they share the life and teachings of Jesus. The Bible allows for greater spiritual connection and reliance on the faithfulness of the Lord. This compact solar powered audio player contains the full Spanish Bible along with hundreds of hours of teachings and children’s programs. This small device can make a huge impact in the lives of Latinos, especially in the remote Peruvian jungle.

How Your Donation Helps in Peru

build a church in the amazon ($7500)

A church is more than just four walls. It is a sense of security and community in connecting with other believers. Your donation can build a wooden church in the Iquitos region of Peru for a congregation of up to 200 people. Help construct a church building so that the locals may worship freely and faithfully without fear of persecution.


build a church in the amazon ($7500)

A church is more than just four walls. It is a sense of security and community in connecting with other believers. Your donation can build a wooden church in the Iquitos region of Peru for a congregation of up to 200 people. Help construct a church building so that the locals may worship freely and faithfully without fear of persecution.

Donated Library Books

Pastor’s Resource Centre Books ($50 x 8)

A Pastor is both a shepherd and a disciple and must know how to instruct, encourage and counsel fellow Christians. Donate to the Paul Springer Resource Center to expand their library and computer center with resources for pastors and church leaders. New materials allow for greater and deeper learning opportunities.

Donated Library Books

Pastor’s Resource Centre Books ($50 x 8)

A Pastor is both a shepherd and a disciple and must know how to instruct, encourage and counsel fellow Christians. Donate to the Paul Springer Resource Center to expand their library and computer center with resources for pastors and church leaders. New materials allow for greater and deeper learning opportunities.

How Your Donation Helps in guatemala

leadership development ($2000/course or 20 people at $100)

CMRC has played a role with the Guatemala Bible Seminary to co-produce video courses for pastors and church leaders where educational resources are in short supply. These courses are designed to help church leaders bring comprehensive biblical principles and activities to the churches across Latin America. Your donation will contribute to the production of a seminary course which are freely distributed to pastors around the world.

How Your Donation Helps All Countries

Church Building

Church building provides a place of gathering and safety for many poor congregations.

Better Education

Giving the gift of knowledge through teaching seminars, theological resources and Girls in Poverty Microsoft Education, helps to develop skills for future benefit. 

Provide Food

Connected with churches globally, CMRC helps to provide to churches so that they may feed those who may otherwise go hungry in times of disaster.

PAstor's Salaries

Donations provide pastor’s salaries and essential needs to help church communities grow in a sustainable fashion.


Sharing Testimonies

Everybody has a story that is powerful and unique. CMRC believes in sharing your story to show how the work of the Lord can truly change lives.

General support

CMRC strives to provide services and support in various aspects where needs are identified.

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